Acupuncture of Midlothian 
formerly Paths to Wellness 
         for information on Jo Fletcher, Reiki Master and/or Carrie Allen, Massage Therapist
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Frequently Asked Questions About Acupuncture
Can Acupuncture Benefit me? 
Remember that acupuncture is about effecting change and getting things in motion, so if you are feeling stuck in any way, give acupuncture a try. The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture’s ability to effectively treat a number of conditions some of which are listed below. 
Musculoskeletal Conditions: fibromyalgia, arthritis, neck and back pain, muscle cramping/pain/weakness, injuries, osteoarthritis and sciatica. 
Respiratory Conditions: Asthma, bronchitis, common cold, sinusitis, and tonsillitis.
Gynecological Conditions: Infertility, menopausal symptoms and premenstrual syndrome.
Digestive Conditions: IBS, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, hyperacidity, indigestion and numerous stomach issues. 
Emotional Conditions: Anxiety, depression, insomnia, nervousness and neurosis. 
Eye-Ear-Nose-Throat: Cataracts, gingivitis, poor vision, tinnitus and toothache. 
Neurological Conditions: Headaches, bladder dysfunctions, Parkinson’s disease, postoperative pain and stroke recovery. 
Miscellaneous Conditions: Addiction control, impaired athletic performance, blood pressure regulation, chronic fatigue, immune system improvement, stress reduction, allergies, post-operative and chemotherapy nausea and vomiting.<back top>

What is Acupuncture? 
A healing system that nourishes and promotes the life-giving energy of the body by the insertion of very fine needles into points where energy is easily accessed. Originating in China thousands of years ago, today acupuncture is the primary source of healthcare for approximately one third of the world's population. <back top>

What is Qi or Chi? 
Qi or Chi (pronounced chee) is the life-giving energy of the body. Qi flows through the body along pathways called meridians. When Qi is flowing smoothly there is wellness. When Qi is not flowing smoothly there may be symptoms of pain, disease, extreme emotion or lack of emotion to name a few. <back top>

Does Acupuncture Hurt?
There may be a slight prick as the needle enters the skin. Next there may be some tingling, warmth, heaviness, or a feeling of the Qi moving up and down the channels or meridians. Sensations dissipate within seconds. Most of the time you will not even know the needles are in place. Clients report that Acupuncture is very relaxing. You may even fall asleep during treatment.  <back top>

How Big Are The Needles? 
The needles used are extremely small, about the width of two human hairs, sterile and disposable. It is completely unlike receiving an injection from a hypodermic needle. <back top>

How Soon Would I See Results? 
Acupuncture is therapy not an instant fix. Everyone responds differently to treatment. Some people see changes immediately while others may take 6 to 8 treatments depending on the length of time they've been ill, the severity of their illness, genetics, habits and lifestyle. . <back top>

Is Acupuncture covered by health insurance? 
You will have to contact your insurance provider and ask. <back top>

Can Acupuncture help me quit smoking? 
Acupuncture  can help support you through the process of quitting. This program helps you through the stages of letting go of your addiction. 
The TobacufreeTM Program supports your desire to change. 
- You participate in 8 sessions that include acupuncture treatments. 
- Treatments are proven to be safe and effective.
- You receive a program manual with simple, step-by-step exercises helping you to transition from being a smoker to a being a non-smoker.<back top>
Frequently Asked Questions About:
Facial Rejuvenation
Gua Sha
Microcurrent and Color light therapy
Low level lasers